Saturday, April 5, 2008

The words the doctor used today were that he was happy with Luke's progress. Luke's kidneys continue to be working. He had some great diapers overnight - more than he has had in over a week! His cultures continue to not grow anything so there doesn't seem to be any infection now. I think they will all be final by Monday. Today he seemed very comfortable - unless they move him, then his saturation level goes down and he needs oxygen. I'm sure it wouldn't be too comfortable to be moved in his current situation. His swelling hasn't gone down yet. It will probably take time to move out of his system.

I was reading My Utmost For His Highest by Oswald Chambers where he was talking about faith. It says - Living a life of faith means never knowing where you are being led. But it does mean loving and knowing the One who is leading. It is literally a life of faith, not of understanding and reason - a life of knowing Him who calls us to go.

We don't know where this road we are on leads but we know who we are following. God is carrying us all each step of the way with Luke securely in His arms. We continue to walk in faith.


Milder Moments said...

Just thought I'd share that Luke was the topic of the soccer mom circle at Rockwall soccer yesterday morning! Jane Braddock, my mom, and a few other friends and I have all been praying and following the blog. Yesterday when we all saw each other at the game, we didn't even say hello, the first thing we all said what that Luke had wet diapers!! We were all so excited and joyful! You have a whole "Texas team" praying and pulling for you all!!
Much Love,
Leslie Milder

EricHStone said...

Eric and Susan,
so sorry to hear about your Nanny Howard but she obviously enjoyed life, again this morning, we prayed for Luke in our Sunday School about (50 people), and the prayer warriors from our circle of friends includes, a couple in Mansfield, OH and their church of
(300), a couple and their church near Akron, OH , Aunt Claudia and the whole Rushville Church (town 400)in Missouri, Debbie (aka Fast Granny) in Nebraska and Ronni and her family, as well as our friends Celeste and her Husband and thier Catholic Church here in Tampa. Each One Reach One, Lead faithfully to the Lord in Action and Word. You both are a real inspiration and I am so proud and respect the faith that glows through your messages each day. I am glad you continue to believe in Gods word and seek comfort in Jesus the ultimate healer, what ever that may be we are here to be part of it WITH you.
Love eternally in Jesus

Unknown said...


We are so sorry to hear about your grandmother we take comfort with you that she is in her eternal home with Jesus. We continue to pray daily for Luke, you and Eric. We love you guys...
Johnny & Kris