Wednesday, April 9, 2008


There is such beauty in children praying. I know we have heard from so many of you about your children praying for Luke. Tonight I was praying with our kids before bed and it just made me smile to hear them pray so fervently for their brother - whom they haven't seen for 5 weeks, but can finally go in and see as of today! They prayed for God to have his hand upon Luke and heal him, to make him just "pop up off the ventilator and be healed". They prayed that it would be okay if God wanted to heal him in heaven because they would still have a brother there. They also prayed for each of you who are reading our blog and have helped us. They prayed that God would bless you as you have blessed us. I can't help but think how God must be smiling at the way these kids are growing in their faith, their prayer time and the way they are seeing love in Christ portrayed. Even though it is difficult some days, I wouldn't trade this experience. That is the way it is when you truly experience God - His love, His strength, His comfort, His peace - you just want more of it.

Psalm 62:1-2 "My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken."

Luke had a good day with not many changes. His labs continue to improve each morning. The albumin is still low, but I know with all of us praying it will be up soon! His kidneys are functioning great. His average output for today was 3.3 cc/kilo/hour. That is the highest yet and his diaper so far tonight was great. I know some of you mentioned less swelling. He could be the tiniest bit less swollen (I studied him quite hard today after you mentioning it) or it could be the camera angle - I try for the best looking shot! We are in such a better place than a week ago. We see your prayers answered every day. Thank you!


kirsten said...

Syd and Hogan,
WOW...can you believe how you kids are leading us old, boring adults to trust God. I never doubted your abilities with the many things you are capable belts, back flips, driving golf carts (with a few dings and scratches), singing on stage, basketball, guitar hero, soccer, baseball...but this, praying with a heart that trusts God completely, is what I will treasure most.

Now, if you could just teach this crazy aunt of yours to cook.

:) we love you.

Jenni Defler said...

Your kids are so amazing! What a blessing you are everyday in my life to see how strong your faith is in God and to see your family's strong Faith. We love you and continue to pray for Luke everyday. Thank you for being so faithful, what a blessing you are to so many people out there.

girlmomx3 said...

This post brought tears to my eyes, just like the prayers of my own little people! Luke has even made his way into our mealtime prayers! I blogged a month or so ago (titled Daniel) about Caroline (age 8) praying that God would open her mind so she could understand the book of Daniel better. . . WOW! Duh! They have the simplest, most clear, direct line to God! I love it. It takes us adults to muddy the water. We are lifting up specifically the albu--whatever levels. Kendall is praying for "his little puffy hands"!
Praying for great things today,

Anonymous said...

Dear Baby Luke,
I know you can't read yet, but maybe your Mom or Dad could read it to you. You are loved everywhere! Five kids at our house were praying for you yesterday, ages 9-17 yrs. I showed them your picture and we all couldn't help but cry out to God for you. We all believe in Jesus' healing power and His miracles. We will promise you, we will ask Him everyday for them. We all love you Baby Luke!
Prayer: "Lord send your angels to encamp around Baby Luke, protect him, heal him please Lord, in your precious name Jesus. Amen."

EricHStone said...

Nephew Luke,
I had spoken to your cousin, Mitchell last week before he went on spring break and he and Cole have decided the only option is the power of healing and they continue to think of you daily and are not accepting the negative options. The faith of young minds is amazing.

Susan I was subject to tears again, reading this post you did and you have so elequently stated the amazing growth in Hogan and Sydneys prayer life, (I agree I has impacted our family in similar ways) A simple prayer for higher albumin, more large wet diapers and healing of the lungs continues to be our prayer.
love Carissa

Misty said...

I'm still praying for your little one. You guys are the picture of faith. I'm amazed my your families trust and love. Our God is more than Enough!