Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Battle Belongs to The Lord

I think of this song when I see Luke and all the battles his little body is facing every day. I was asked the question today, "What is the long-term objective?" I answered to get through each day - even each hour at this point. Things just change so quickly. This morning the doctor called to say they couldn't keep Luke's co2 down and there just wasn't anything else to try. We would just have to wait and see if it would go down. The good news was he was oxygenating okay. By the time Eric and I got up there he was doing okay. They were able to try some new ventilator settings and keep his level down all day. It seems like his swelling is down a little in his head, but has moved down into his chest and abdomen which is causing the increased breathing problems. This is mainly because his bed has been tipped a little to try and decrease the swelling in his head. Anything to get this fluid moving out of him! They were able to draw blood from his central line today which gave them some more accurate lab results. These all look good but the albumin still hasn't gone up. The best news is that the RSV season is over and the kids can now go in the NICU to see Luke. They haven't seen their brother in 5 weeks so they are thrilled. As Luke faces each new battle we are reminded that God is in control and we are all covered with His armor. We have the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit. We thank God for continuing to protect Luke and bring him through the daily sometimes hourly battles.

Epesians 6:10-17 " Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes..."


Anonymous said...

We received your blog from a friend of ours, Bronie Victory. We have been praying and will continue to pray. We have forwarded your blog to others whom we know will pray also. Please know that prayers are being lifted up to Heaven for little Luke and for you also.
Love in Christ,
Janice McCaleb

Penny Barber said...

What a blessing to call you all friends!

The prayers of children are so often the purest form of worship. Hogan and Syd are so precious to our family. Thanks guys for being an example to the Barbers.
We love you all,
Alan, Penny, Rebecca, Coston,
Mari Whitten and Eliza

Gloria Aultman said...

I cannot get Luke off my mind and continue to pray for each of you. Keep strong and you know God is with you always. Love gloria aultman