Monday, April 7, 2008

Patience...It's not easy !!

Everyone says they can tell when Susan blogs & when I do. Most of the wonderful content you have read all comes from my incredible wife. Luke is so blessed to have her for a mother, she is the glue that holds us all together & I don't what I'd do without her.

At times I feel very strong & can deal with all that is being thrown at us. Other times I feel that I may crumble. This week has been particularly hard for me, I don't know why. I feel so incredibly helpless when I am with Luke & can't help him. I am doing my best to stay on top of his treatment, but not to get tangled up in all of the settings of his machines & all of the numbers that we digest each week in relation to his treatments. I must seek God at these times to take this burden from me, I cannot carry it on my small shoulders.

He continues to swell, they don't know why & that part is tough to deal with, we are blessed with some of the best doctors available & I know they & the nurses are doing everything in their power to keep Luke alive, that is unfortunately the main goal right now. I particularly like his doctor (Dr. Kapasi) that is on for the next 7-9 days. He is a wonderful man & a VERY comprehensive doctor. Luke has had a couple of relatively quiet days with the exception of one episode where Dr. Kapasi couldn't get his oxygen levels to recover & had to remove him from the ventilator & "bag" him with a hand ventilator to get him to recover. We are getting better overall output from his kidneys (thanks to all of your prayers) but to help eliminate all the excess fluid we need MASSIVE output. Please pray for that. I continue to thank God for all of the friends past & present (hey Mark) that bless us with their kind words & massive amounts of prayer. We trust God's plan for Luke & he was made perfect in God's eyes to serve his purpose. We don't know Luke's future, but we don't know our's either. Today is a gift from God, enjoy it, embrace it & LIVE IT !! We love you all...stay tuned.

I am putting an older video (you need to click the "play" button 2 times to play it) in with the latest pic from today, so that you can see where he is currently, compared to 5 weeks ago when he 1st arrived at this hospital. He will be 7 weeks old on Wednesday.

Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer.
From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe. Psalm 61.


Dave O Life Coach said...

I just stumbled on your blog. I am praying for Luke as well.

Mary said...

I am constantly amazed by how consumed I am of hourly thoughts and prayers for Baby Luke. I think of how he has hundreds of people praying for him every day…how a baby of only 7 weeks old has brought us all together as a family of God. May God bless him with comfort and reduced swelling today.

The Common Link said...

Mike and I just finished our morning devotional. It spoke of miracles. It spoke of faith. The verse we were directed to at the end of the devotional is Luke 7:23: "...Blessed are they who do not lose faith". You and Susan are a very blessed couple of incredible faith.

Eric, it's OK to crumble. Even the most delicious cookies crumble. And each crumbled morsel is as sweet as the whole cookie.

We continue to pray many times a day for Luke, for you, for Susan, Hogan and Syndey. We pray for a miracle in Luke's life.

The growing Adkinson family said...

Hey Susan and Eric I was reading for my quiet time this morning and in my devotional book there was a quote and I thought of yall when I read it.

God helps us to do what we can, and endure what we must,even in the darkest hours. But more, He wants to teach us that there are no rainbows without storm clouds and there are no diamonds without heavy pressure and enormous heat. Author Unkown

I hope it touches your heart like it did mine. We continue in prayer for Luke and your whole family.

Much Love, April (nashville)

Bronie said...

Just stopping by to check on Luke. Please know that we (and many others) continue to lift him up to the Father. We know that God is bigger than whatever is wrong with little Luke. God made him; He can heal him!

Blessings and peace to you today,

Nicole said...

God continues to lay Luke on my heart often to lift him up in prayer. My prayers are with Luke and you're family.

ahornbuckle said...

I pray for Luke and your family every day when I check your blog. Thanks for updating it each day so that I can pray specifically.

Mary Lee Heim said...

We love luke and it makes us feel sad (because he is our cousin)that he is so sick and uncle eric and aunt susan we feel helpless so know that we really love you.

PS.we want to come down soon when school is out we love you all very very much hope to see you soon.
From Mitchell and Cole Stone

John King said...

Coming from a dad who has had some of those "crumbling" times you are talking about; In those lowest of times, God is there with you when seemingly nothing and no one else is. Sometimes it even seems like God has stepped aside and left us to fend for ourselves; but, of course he hasn't. He's right there with us, quietly allowing us to go through trials we never thought we could bear. All I know to say is lean completely on Him and His Word and His Love even when all understanding and logic says He's not with you; He is! Luke is His child as well as he is yours. That boy is blessed with two fathers who love him completely. Only his heavenly Father knows his future, you just rest knowing that you are doing everything you can, every minute of every day for Luke; the rest is in His heavenly Father's hands.



kirsten said...

Eric as a man who can fix cars, gut bathrooms, clean pools, repair dry wall and basically DO anything i KNOW this concept of "be still and know that I AM God" is incredibly difficult. We will pray for you, dad.

We have really appreciated your role as spiritually leader in your house. We love you.

Misty said...

Please, know that I will be thinking and lifting up your little Luke. He's so very precious. I pray for peace that passes all understanding and rest for you and your family. Our God is way more than ENOUGH!

girlmomx3 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
girlmomx3 said...

We are praying several times a day for Luke. I hope they have the diapers ready. Certainly WHEN our prayers are answered the flood will indeed come. . .=)

I remembered a book a friend gave me "Praying the Scriptures for your Children". It is a great book for the "Want to Be Bible Scholar" like me. It has fill in the blank prayers on specific subjects--insert name here! I picked one for Luke. It's an old standby-but has new purpose and meaning for Luke and his faithful family.

"Thank you for beginning a good work in Luke, and that you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus" Philippians 1:6

Sorry about the deleted comment, I must be too sleepy to type!

Bev Brandt said...

We check your blog the first thing each morning to check on precious Luke. As we see how the Lord is comforting and encouraging you through the love and prayers of friends, family and the Word, we are so encouraged. Jesus is reaching so many hearts. Through this trial, your leaning on Christ alone is an amazing witness to His love and faithfulness. Continuing to pray for this sweet baby boy...
Bev & Pete