Saturday, March 15, 2008

Trust His Heart

So many times I have thought of the song, "When you can't trace His hand, trust His heart." Some friends of mine wrote that in a card for me so I thought I would share it. We do trust God's heart and know he has the best in store for all of us who believe in Jesus. We find comfort in God's will and wait to see what he will do next!

Luke is about the same, but that is okay. At least we are not going backwards. He was moving a little today, but they are keeping him really sedated so he doesn't try to breathe over the vent. It was just fun to sit and watch him sleep. It just looked better than seeing him paralyzed. The doctors don't seem at all worried about the infection. It is getting much better with the medicine. They are still puzzled with his lungs because he is not really acting like a baby with pulmonary hypoplasia - they tend to need a lot of oxygen and Luke has mostly been on room air settings. They are going to have a pulmonologist look at him next. I just sat there today and prayed, " God, you have taken care of the infection. I know you can heal his lungs so that is what I am asking next. Just please heal his lungs."

Psalm 100:3-5 " Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture... For the Lord is good and his love endures forever, his faitfulness continues through all generations."


BreezeLikeWind said...

Eric & Susan,
We are so happy that Luke is improving...he is so beautiful, and I know how much you love him. We will continue to keep your family in our thoughts and prayers.
Breeze & Christian

jim said...

This is Connie, Bronie Victory's friend from Pearl River, LA. I am praying that God will strengthen Luke's lungs and restore him to total health, and that He will maintain Luke's fighting spirit and also yours, his parents. This is the boy God gave you, enjoy him and make sure he knows how much you love him. Touch is a powerful factor, so is the sound of your voices. Our God is a mighty God!

Melissa Harris said...

It definitely puts a smile on our faces to hear Baby Luke is doing better. Our hearts are with you and we will continue to pray for great healing for Baby Luke. Our girls ask daily and talk to their friends about Baby Luke. They check in with me to see his progress. We so pray that he will pull through all of this with flying colors. Please again send our happy thoughts and love to Baby Luke.

kirsten said...

Just checking in again...always wanting to know how God has shown up today. We continue to pray for God to breathe strong life into Luke's lungs. I'm glad to see Eric home and safe from the storms. I just wish this "storm" would blow by you too so you can ALL go home.

Natalie said...

We will continue to pray for yall
Love Ya
Natalie, Emma & Joshua

Sherry said...

Eric, Susan, Hogan, & Sydney. You all are in our prayers daily. Luke is truly a blessed child. Just remember GOD can see us through any storm, and I know he is watching over you all. We will continue praying diligently for this storm to be over. Your faith is such a strong testimony!!!
God bless you..
Kenny, Sherry, Hannah & Sophia Hall
(Friends from Nashville)

Martha said...

Just stopping by for my daily update on Luke. It seems that God provided Luke's body the strength it needed to fight the infection ... so here a prayer for His healing hand and healthy lungs, too!

Whatever God's will is for Luke, he is an important little guy and a display of God's glory! He is precious!