Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Psalm 103:1-5 "Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits - who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's."

What more do we need than God? I love this verse when I think about all God does and has done for us. Last night I told Eric I think of God and the pain we feel for Luke having to go through all these trials in life. How much more painful it was for God as he endured his son dying on the cross for all of us. That is love unfathomable, but what joy it brings for all of us who have accepted Jesus as our savior. The knowledge that we will live forever in heaven with him. That knowledge brings us through the darkest days, the unanswered questions and toughest trials.

Luke had a good night last night and a good day today. That means he had good blood gases and they didn't have to go backwards in any of his settings! He remains very swollen but I think we are more used to looking at it and just keep hearing how normal it is.

We continue to be so thankful for all your prayers, your friendships and your comments on the blog. It really helps to know so many people are in one accord praying for healing.


Bronie said...

We continue to pray for Luke every time God brings him to mind, which is very often. The big kids will ask me if there is an update, and we sometimes check the blog together.

I wanted to let you know that a friend who had been praying for you guys was checking the updates (all of them) and scrolled down to an earlier picture of Luke. She said she felt a peace come over her, and she just smiled at his little picture. She said she felt it was God saying, "Oh, yeah, he's gonna be ok." She asked that I pass it on to you.

Standing in the gap,

kirsten said...

I love being able to see his eyes open...I know you do too! Ben will be so excited to see this in the morning. He waves to Luke on the blog and says "he's sleepin."

Luke, your little buddy is praying for you - you are loved by so many!

Kristi Sweatt said...

Hi...ya'll don't know me but my name is Kristi Sweatt and I attend New Hope South. Your blog was forwarded to me by Michelle Bonner because she said as she read the blogs it made her think of me. I haven't ever walked the exact path you are with your son, Luke. However, I know the battle, roller coaster and complete exhaustion you are experiencing even though my paths have been different! Last year my 7 year-old son was in Scottish Rite for 12 days and he had an incredible infectious disease doctor named Dr. Harrison! Do you have an infectious disease doctor on board? Last year we received differing opinions on whether my son should go to surgery for a chest tube. We continued asking questions and made the decision not to do the chest tube...the infectious disease doctor was called in the next day and confirmed we had made the right decision. Don't stop the questions for the doctors!!!!! Sometimes your questions can lead them down a path or in a direction that the Lord wants them to go that they haven't thought of yet. As I type this my mom is sleeping in Fayette Piedmont Hospital for the 13th day! Questions we had for the doctor helped save her life and get her the ICU help she needed when the doctor said... as well as her vitals and stats said she was stable. I have an email I want to get in your hands somehow. I wrote it on Jan. 24th of this year on the eve of my 36 year old brother having to go into an extremely dangerous open heart surgery at St. Josephs. The Lord showed me yet again that he has each one of us in the palm of his hand. He has my mom, my brother, and his/your little Luke in his palm. We don't know what his will is but I will share with you that as I read on the blog on March 11 that said there is "no fix for this" speaking of the lungs that are too small. I immediately thought of my best friend, Heather(she attends New Hope South also). She was told by doctors after many miscarriages and several failed inventros that there was nothing the doctors could do to help her have children. They said that she didn't have "good egg quality". I am thrilled to tell you that the doctors couldn't do anything, but our Lord Jesus Christ sure could... and he did! She will be delivering a baby boy on May 8 without any fertility drugs...nothing but the work of the Lord's hands! Don't let the facts and numbers rob you of the joy that you have today for little Luke. Faith...not facts!!! My Bible reads in James 1:5-8 that when we ask that we must believe and not doubt! Do we know the Lord's will and how many days/months/years he has for Luke? No, but we can pray fervently everyday believing that the Lord can heal his lungs if this is his will regardless of what the doctors can do! Add me to your prayer warrior list and know that I am praying for your precious Luke without ceasing as 1 Thessalonians 5:16 says. By the way, if you ever want to get in touch I can be reached at 770-265-5537. I am so thankful Michelle passed this on to me so that I can join in to watch God work this for "good" as Romans says. To God Be the Glory!
Love & Belief,
Kristi Sweatt

Bev Brandt said...

Thank you for the beautiful testimony of how the Lord is reflected in your daily updaates on this precious baby boy. Luke is utmost in our prayers as we arise and as we go to sleep as well as throughout the day. May Jesus continuously surround you with His love, power and strength as you wait on Him and His healing touch for Luke. With love & care,
Bev & Pete

Linda said...

We love all of you and pray constantly for all of you.

Kristi said...

Dear Eric and Susan,
After i read your blog this morning I had my quiet time. This verse was in my devotion book and I just thought of you guys all over again. 2 Corinthians 6:10 Sorrowful, yet always rejoicing. As we approach Good Friday and Easter Sunday........this verse does pierce through the hard things in our lives taking us to the Cross and all we hope, live and long for. You guys remain so heavy in our thoughts and prayers every day. Kristi and Scott Henderson