Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Moving Day

Luke is moving today to Atlanta's Children's Hospital ...

The doctors tried to have him moved earlier but it was just in the last 24 hours (with God's hand and Eric's sister's persistence) that the doors have opened. We're hoping for some clear answers and a more specific diagnosis but we rest knowing God is in control.

It's amazing that within the last 24 hours insurance has been checked and accepted (which we all know is a miracle!) a bed is open for Luke and specialists will be available to consult with us.

1 comment:

Sunnidawn Anderson said...

Hi Susan and Eric,

I can't begin to describe how often you are in our thoughts and prayers--HOURLY! We are thrilled to know that God is watching over baby Luke, and we can't wait to meet another great Heim kid. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help--transportation, kid's activities, groceries or just someone to vent to. We look forward to meeting Luke, and are praying for healing for him and strength for you as you enter another chapter in the saga of a very BLESSED little boy.

Sunnidawn and Jim