Friday, March 14, 2008


We praise God for today and that Luke is still here. He has gone from a very, very sick little boy to doing okay. The respiratory therapist was sharing with me today about the miracle his mother is (she was given 6 months to live 15 years ago). I pointed to Luke and said "this is our miracle, you wouldn't believe how many people are praying for him and I know that God is going to bring him through this". He told me he believed it because he had seen his numbers and heard how bad he was a couple nights ago. I am just sharing with anyone how God brought him through the last couple days - even the lady who mops the floor every day!

The doctor didn't round until 2:30 p.m. As he walked up, smiling, he said " You know it's good that you haven't seen me yet today". I knew that meant Luke was much better because they start with the critical patients. He said he couldn't believe the turn around he had made. He continues to do okay on the conventional vent. His blood levels they look at for infection are down (they were up the last two days). The secretions they culture only grew a little staph which means he is responding to the antibiotics. The doctor took him off the paralytic drug, but is keeping him sedated. You can't imagine how wonderful it was to see him move. I was thrilled to see his lip move, his eyes partially open and close on his own and his foot move! He is still really medicated, but he knows when we talk.

Our prayer is that his co2 levels will go down and they can wean his ventilator. Thanks you for continuing to support us and pray for Luke. We appreciate all of you.

Psalm 145 "I will exalt you, my God the King, I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise."


Becky said...

Susan, Eric and family~
We are so happy to hear things are better for Luke today. He is truly a miracle! We check your blog often for updates and this is the best one yet. God bless your family and we will continue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers.

Becky, Chris, Lilly, Sophie & Emery Romsland

Matthew said...

Praise be to God!!! HE continues to perform HIS mircles! What big plans God must have for Luke!!

We will continue praying.

Dee Denney

The Common Link said...

Thank you dear Lord.

Martha said...

Hang in there, little Luke!
Glad to hear he's better.
Martha (Kirsten's friend)

Bronie said...

Susan, Eric, Hogan and Sydney, we will continue to bombard heaven on Luke's behalf! I am so thrilled for your good news, and can't wait to see how God continues to weave together this miracle that is Luke.

Much love,

Wendy Curry said...

Susan and Eric,
I'm so glad to hear Luke is doing better!! I want you to know that Luke is in my prayers every night, as well as both of you. Stay strong!

Wendy Curry

Pam & John Denney said...

All we can say is Praise The Lord...

We will continue to pray.

We Love You All

Pam & John Denney

Gloria Aultman said...

I am keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. Keep your strenth and God will see you through. Luke is such a handsome little baby. Love Gloria Aultman

Jana Waits said...

Praise God!! God is answering prayers to heal Luke which lifts your spirit, strengthens faith and testifies of God's glory, power and love to others. Luke is one very special little boy!!
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful. I know that full well." Praise God from whom all blessings flow!! I love seeing Luke and look foward to seeing him open his eyes and move his arms and hands again.
Love you, Jana & Jim

kirsten said...

hey! he looks completely different than a week ago...thanks for the new pictures. ben continues to tell everyone he sees that "baby luke in the hospital". luke is in our prayers constantly and conversation constantly. we miss you guys so much.

Karen said...

I'm Bronie's friend she asked for prayers for Luke. I wanted you to know that we are praying for Luke.