Thursday, March 13, 2008

On the roller coaster!

Luke had a very hard night last night and I think from listening to the nurses and respiratory people who were working with him, he was very close to dying. Then this morning the doctor told Eric that he wasn't going to make it and there was nothing else he could do. Luke has MRSA, a type of staph infection in his lungs. We were ready if this was God's plan. When I got to the hospital they had moved Luke back to a conventional ventilator and he looked okay. I just held his had and thought "he doesn't look like he is dying" and I was just covered in a peace that there was still hope. A few hours later the doctor came back by and said "so far, so good, I just got the best blood gas I have had in days on Luke". He also said the staph wasn't colonizing and was just in his lungs - not in his blood. Luke continued to be stable and have good blood gas tests all day. I was able to share with the respiratory therapist (who told me he didn't think Luke would still be there this morning when he came in) that there were MANY people praying for him and I thought God would be the only way he would get through this. I also shared that with his nurse. My thought all day was that "okay, we are at the worst, but that will only make the miracle bigger!"

We know it is God answering the prayers of all of us who are crying out for healing that got Luke through last night and today. Thank you for standing with us.

"So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10


Jennie said...

Praise God!!!

We will continue to pray and trust for God's will.
Love you guys!!!

Barbara said...

I have never in my life been able to say "I know how you feel" until now. Our family has walked where you are now, a year ago we lived in the NICU for four months. God pushed us over the mountains and pulled us out of the valleys moment by moment. What an incredible testimony Luke will have created by bonding together so many people all over the world by his mere existence. I called these people my "stretcher-bearers" who literally carried me though the journey when I did not have the strength to hold my head up. Thank you for openly sharing your story and pictures and giving me the chance to be your stretcher-bearer and at the same time praise our wonderful Creator.
Barbara Bass

Bonnie said...

It is a new day for Luke and we know God is with him and his family. May you take from the well His nourishment and strength and know that He hears your heart.
As we continue to call his name out before the Lord, we will trust God and praise Him for all He is and will do. May Luke receive the breath of God and restore him completely. May God's good graces rest upon you and all who are continuing in this journey along side you. Know we love you and want God's best for you.

kirsten said...

"please keep all hands and feet inside car while riding."

we're right there with you with our hands up high ready for the next time around knowing that soon luke will get home!

girlmomx3 said...

Hi Friends~Be strong in the faith and in the hope that Luke is completely in the hands of a loving and healing Heavenly Father. We are praying for little Luke every night. My girls love to look at his dot com! Blessings to you all.
Jane, girlmomx3
friends of Leslie Milder

Michelle said...

You and your family will be in our prayers. May God give you the strength you need to deal with what ever he chooses for you.

Nicole said...

We don't know each other, but I found out about you thru Bronie's blog(Team Victory). I may not know what you are going thru, but I do know that whenever our children are in need, it is enough to send us to our knees in prayer. I praise the Lord for your daily miracles and pray for the complete healing of Luke. I pray you feel God's loving arms around you and your family. I will keep you in my prayers!

dardar said...

I received an e-mail from Bronie. My girls and I are praying for Luke and both of you. God is in the business of miracles and that is what we are praying for.
Peace to you,

Tammy Thomason said...

God is so good. We are continuing to pray for His healing touch. He has BIG plans for Luke and it will all be revealed in His time. We love you guys!
Karl, Tammy, Seth and Abby

Joe & Debbie said...

We just wanted to remind you that down here in Naples many, many people are lifting precious Luke and all of you up to the Lord. We hope Mary Lee and Ed made it safely to GA and that you will be able to gain strength from each other. May you feel God's peace as He holds you in the palm of His hand. He is so awesome.
Your friends in Christ,
Joe and Debbie Brock

Kristy said...

I received an email from Bronie Victory, and am praying so hard for your little Luke. He is so beautiful! I pray for strength for all of you, and a miraculous healing from God. I lift you all up in my prayers

Franklin and Hope said...

I don't know your family or Luke, but I know God and I believe in his promise that He listens to his children's prayers.

I will be praying for Luke as well as all of your family. That God will shield you behind his mighty power and will hold all of you safely in his hands.

Love in Christ,

Jana Waits said...

"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deut 31:8 Susan & Eric, this verse leaped off the page to me last week and I thought I must send to you. You are not alone and this verse is filled with God's promise of his presence and courage and provision. God keeps all his promises. "And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus" I am praying for God's PEACE to guard your hearts and minds, protect you from despair and roller coaster emotions and place you in the arms of God where He alone will lift you up. Thank you for sharing your hearts, ups and downs, praises and prayers. We are walking with you, praising God for his healing and thanking Him for His strength, provision through friends and family and peace to be in the middle of His will. We choose Life through faith in God for Luke!! Our God is an awesome God. Love you all!!

Bev Brandt said...

Throughout the days, and even last night, everytime I awoke, I prayed for a miraculous healing of this precious baby boy. We continue to trust in our great God, knowing that nothing is impossible with Him. May He keep you in perfect peace as you wait on Him, knowing that many prayer warriors are bombarding heaven, interceding for your Luke. With love and care for you and your family, Bev & Pete

Stephanie Gillum Walker said...

Dear Precious Susan and family, God is GOOD! People in Arlington TX and Melanie's Bible study group in Dubai(United Arab Emirates)are praying for little Luke. Wow, all around the world! Tomorrow, I can share praise with my S.S. class!! I am thankful in my prayers for your strong faith and Eric's and your entire family's. Your family is so dear to me and Luke's middle McLeod is a reminder of you great grandparents who were so faithful. I love all of you.

Praise the Lord, O my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Ps 103:1