Friday, February 29, 2008

Continued Progress

Luke continues to make progress. Today he had a follow-up echocardiogram which looked good so they will be weaning him off the ventilator more agressively. He is now eating a normal amount of milk for his size so they may take out his umbilical line tomorrow. Today he had a very sleepy day - but that is good for his working off the ventilator. He can get so upset when he is messed with! Our prayer is that Luke will be able to get off the ventilator easily and quickly! We are ready to have him at home and be able to hold him.

Philippians 4:6-7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."


Michelle said...

I can only imagine how ready you are to have him in your arms! He's so precious! So glad to hear tests are coming back normal and he is progressing. We are praying for ALL of you!
Michelle Bonner

Honeycutts said...

He is just adorable just like his siblings. I know he can't wait for you to hold him close. He feels the love with right next to him. My heart and prayers go out to you constantly. I rejoice everytime I see the good news on the blog! Luke keep up the good work. Susan it was so good to hear your voice thank you, tag your it I left you a message. :) You know I love you with all my heart. I can't wait to come and help you and Aunt Jane all you have to do is call.
I love you all,

Kristi said...

We continue to check in for updates, praying for you all and for Luke to get stronger and healthier each day! He is so precious and I know you can not wait to get him home and make up for all the time away! Praying with you, Kristi Henderson

TNelson said...

Lynne told me about Luke. I pray for Luke and you family. Spring is here along with the hope of Gods Grace and Love.
God Bless
Tricia Nelson
(Neal's mother)