Thursday, February 28, 2008

To God Be The Glory...

...great things he hath done.

We continue to watch Luke progress. Today we found out the test they did on his spine was read as normal. They took his ventilator setting down a bit overnight and he did fine on the new settings. They increased his feeding amount again today and he is still tolerating it well. Today I just sat and watched him sleeping. He was doing that smiling thing babies do in their sleep - so cute to see that. He was also sucking on his feeding tube. It was so precious to hear a little sound from him. (We have yet to hear him cry.) We continue to pray for his lungs and for him to be weaned off the ventilator.


kirsten said...

i'm so glad you have time to sit and rest and watch him...that is precious time to remember 'Be still and know that I am God.' that went through my head every day when caleb was in there...

grandun said...

I'm so proud of you Susan. You are a wonderful teacher and now an extraordinary mom. You've been through so many things just since Ive known you, and you've done it gracefully and with the strength of the Lord. Never swaying no matter what the circumstance may have been. Bravo! for a job well done. Kiss the baby for me. Its an honor to watch the Lord work in your life. God bless. Lee

Bev Brandt said...

Dear Susan & Eric,
What a precious little baby the Lord sent your family! The video showing Luke's beautiful eyes and delicate movements is amazing. We will continue to pray for the Lord's healing touch for Luke's lungs as he is gains strength day by day. Your blog entries are a powerful testimony to your strong faith in Jesus and how His strength is made perfect in our weakness. With our love and blessings, Pete & Bev Brandt

The Common Link said...

Susan, I've heard that when a baby smiles in his sleep an angel kissed his cheek. We pray many times a day for Luke, for Susan and Eric and for Hogan and Sydney. Isn't it a wonderful thing to know that God is in charge of all things?

Susan & Johnny W. said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you from Kansas City. Susan and Johnny