Sunday, March 29, 2009


Prayers for Stellan

This is a button that links to a website of a wonderful family. Their youngest child, Stellan should not have lived to be born according to the doctors. He was born five months ago totally healthy. Last weekend his heart went into SVT which is what it was doing in the womb. If you want to read their story and pray for Stellan that would be great.

I follow a lot of blogs but just now in following Stellan through this day to day, minute to minute struggle do I think I understand what some of you went through in following Luke's journey. I check the computer a couple times a day to see if there are changes and what to pray about. I don't know this family, but feel I do through their blog. I prayed for Stellan before he was born and was so thrilled to hear of the miracle God did in his life, that he was born and has had five healthy months. It is so exciting to see God answer prayers. Last Wednesday I just prayed and cried out to God while we were singing a beautiful song - "God is Here". I had a lot of burdens for friends that day and I laid them down that night to God. The song says "He will break the yoke and lift the heavy burdens". As we sang that song this morning I rejoiced in answered prayers. God is with us and ready to listen to us anytime we call on him. I recently heard a saying that I love; I would rather be in a storm with Jesus than anywhere else without him. God is here with us carrying us through every trial.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was following Stellan's story while she was pregnant and was amazed at God's power when he was born healthy and whole. I did not know about the latest. Thanks, Susan. I hope you and your sweet family are doing well.
~Michelle Bonner
(I used your idea on the table at church... you'll have to check it out!) :)