Monday, February 25, 2008

Luke is still doing okay. He has been getting some medication to close something between his heart and lungs. They will be doing tests today to see if that is working. We just love to be able to spend time with him when he is awake and we got to have some quality time with him this morning. He just loves to look around. There is a lot to look at in the NICU! Here is a picture from yesterday when he was resting.


maybabe said...

Susan, Thank you for keeping the Missouri friends updated on your has been so beautifully written, and it is so wonderful to know how you and Eric are walking with our God through this valley. Many prayers have been winging your way from MO. Thank you for sharing little Luke's pictures. I know well the emotion of leaving him in the hospital, as I had to do that for 10 days with Kent! "Be my strong refuge, to which I may resort continually." Psalm 71:3 Hugs, Helen

Ryan and Emily Brown said...

Luke is a beautiful baby! We are praying for your family.
Ryan, Emily, Ruthie, Eli and Lillie Brown

Milder Moments said...


Luke is beautiful! What a precious baby boy! You have lots of people in Texas praying for you ALL and sending you our love.
