Friday, September 12, 2008

I like to eat...

I called my brother Rob, this week to see what to order at the Thai restaurant I was going to. A lot of our conversations revolve around food and cooking. We both love to eat and experiment. My dad and I loved to talk about food too and now I find myself talking about what I have cooked with his brother Jerry whenever I call him. As I thought about how important food is to me - it made me think of God in the same way. Do I hunger for God? Do I crave God like I crave Mexican food and chocolate? I have found this year that the closer I get to God the more I hunger for him and desire fellowship with him. I find myself going to him many times a day and he can satisfy me much more than chips-n-salsa can!!! I live to eat and I want to live for God!

"Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled."

Matthew 5:6

"You satisfy me more than the richest feast.I will praise you with songs of joy." Psalm 63:5


Gloria Aultman said...

You are so right about what you said about hungering for God. You put it so well. Sometimes I am so wrapped up with putting food first and if we would stop long enough to think about what is most important we would draw closer to God. I thank him for providing but could do with so much less than he lets me have. Love your thoughts Susan. Keep it up. love gloria

kirsten said...

well, when you put it THAT way...craving God like craving salsa...of great, now I'm hungry...