Sunday, January 4, 2009

Laughter is the best medicine!

I have always heard that saying, but really lived it this week. We all headed to my mom's in Kansas City. Four adults, five kids, one dog and lots of chaos. We had food, movies, friends. loud music, games, food, toys, fighting, food, tv and lots of laughter. We always seem to laugh when we are together. Eric even said Rob's laugh sounded like my dad. We laughed over the kids, laughed at each other, laughed over cards and just had a lot of fun. It really lifted my spirits which hadn't been very merry. I am thankful God gave us humor and the ability to laugh. It just makes the world easier!


Bronie said...

I'm glad you had a good visit... and that maybe you got the chance to laugh at Rob. :)

I'm praying that the new year brings you blessings beyond what you could ever imagine!


kirsten said...

i think i finally got over my grumpies when we got home...don't kick me out of the family just yet.